Guest Posting Guidelines

Ideal Word Count: 800 – 1,500 words

Oxford commas are our friends.


Please submit a relevant, catchy title with your post that’s short enough to appear in Google search results without being truncated. Moz has a great tool for testing your title length here:


Remain professional but use a casual style. More professional than BuzzFeed, more casual than Harvard Business Review. No cursing, politics, or religion.


Your post should offer novel insight or tactical education that our readers can use – avoid useless fluff and use buzzwords sparingly.


Use short, simple sentences organized in short, 1-4 sentence paragraphs. Use subheads and bulleted lists to break up your content and use numbers in your subheads when the article is a list with a number in the title (ie. 5 Tips for Writing a Great Blog).


Feel free to link to any content (yours or others’) as long as the source is credible, offers additional value or support, and is not a competitor to Simple Strat. Don’t overdo it – not every paragraph needs a link and very few paragraphs need more than one. If you have multiple links in your article, they should be to multiple sources.


We encourage the use of appropriate and relevant images, videos, and/or GIFs. If you didn’t create them, please provide a link to the original source.

**Please note that your article will be edited for spelling, grammar, and style, and that your title may be changed. We will usually allow you to review an edited version prior to publishing it, but there may be cases where we will publish your article without notifying you of every edit.

Ideal Word Count: 800 – 1,500 words

Oxford commas are our friends.


Please submit a relevant, catchy title with your post that’s short enough to appear in Google search results without being truncated. Moz has a great tool for testing your title length here:


Remain professional but use a casual style. More professional than BuzzFeed, more casual than Harvard Business Review. No cursing, politics, or religion.


Your post should offer novel insight or tactical education that our readers can use – avoid useless fluff and use buzzwords sparingly.


Use short, simple sentences organized in short, 1-4 sentence paragraphs. Use subheads and bulleted lists to break up your content and use numbers in your subheads when the article is a list with a number in the title (ie. 5 Tips for Writing a Great Blog).


Feel free to link to any content (yours or others’) as long as the source is credible, offers additional value or support, and is not a competitor to Simple Strat. Don’t overdo it – not every paragraph needs a link and very few paragraphs need more than one. If you have multiple links in your article, they should be to multiple sources.


We encourage the use of appropriate and relevant images, videos, and/or GIFs. If you didn’t create them, please provide a link to the original source.

**Please note that your article will be edited for spelling, grammar, and style, and that your title may be changed. We will usually allow you to review an edited version prior to publishing it, but there may be cases where we will publish your article without notifying you of every edit.